status update: Ampersand Design Studio

oh, how we wish we could!
we were thinking it was way past time for us to share a little update on what's going on with us. To be totally honest, we are feeling more overwhelmed than ever. In a good way, but still overwhelmed. We are pretty much hopping on the computer every free minute we get. We have dinner, clean dishes, and then out come the laptops. It's not a routine that we are in love with, but for now, it's what we've got to do to keep up with all the exciting things that are on the horizon!
Speaking of...the big surface pattern trade show, Surtex, is now just one short month away! Eeeeks!!! We have lots of fun, new collections designed for it, but now we are working on some of the other MANY pieces that complete the puzzle, such as, our booth design, postcards to mail out, a press kit, and the actual printing and compiling of our portfolios for the show. It's no small task. As we are sitting together working, we daydream about an exotic vacations to give ourselves a little break from the computer time! So, the exotic vacation might not be happening anytime soon, but Surtex is in NYC, so we have promised ourselves to squeeze in a little down time and see some friends while we are there! (hint, hint...all east coast friends, we want to see you!) :)
So, our little business has sort of taken on a mind of it's own and we might not have planned for it, but we sure are having fun on this wild ride. We also just want to say that we have been feeling so lucky with some of the great press we have gotten lately.
We also wanted to say, we have really dedicated ourselves to continuing to post and share inspiration here even on our busiest days. We are SO thankful for our readers that stop by our blog each day, every few days, or just whenever you can make it! Your comments and responses really put a smile on our faces! We so love our blog friends! So thank you you all and hang in there with us as we get through the next few weeks :)

And PS--our new website & blog design are well in the works, so hopefullyin the next two weeks we'll be sporting a brand new look!

Morgan & Carrie

(This darling and very necessary print is from the LaFarme etsy shop!)