the road to surtex...
So, just in case you've been wondering where we've been, we thought we'd pop in and say hi and explain what we've been up to. The Surtex trade show in NYC where we license our artwork is just two short weeks away. We have been drawing, painting and putting in long hours on the computer to get as many of our crazy ideas out on paper as we can! In addition to creating tons of new artwork and patterns to sell, we also design a booth and promo pieees for this show, so we're having the best time dreaming up our own little Ampersand-world for the show! The top pic above is a diorama of the back wall of our booth! So needless to say, in these last few weeks leading up tot he show, a few things fall off the priority list around this time every year and the blog seems to always get hit hard. So, we're sorry for the light posting lately, we'll be back up above water soon and we'll surely have lots of pictures and posts to share from our trip to NYC!
we're spending LOTS of time here!
So, if you are in the market to license some pretty fab artwork, stop by Surtex booth #356 and say hi!!!! We'd love to see you!